I just made my first and only $500 was deposited into my trading account. If you notice, I spent $509.50 instead of $500 even on the first trade. That's because my purchase fee was $9.50. Not a big deal. If I am worried about that, then I need not even experiment with the little cash I have.
I traded IHCH from .10 to .181. The alert was made at .08 by Hotstockace on IHUB. I've watched him for a long time. He's on a list in my journal as a "trusted" trader. Lately he has been on a roll. I'll probably use his alerts very often.
I started looking at IHCH around .06, but I was hesistant to jump in because it already shot up like a monster. Then I got an alert and decided to jump in. The news was good, almost too good to be true though. I hope it shoots to .50 and dollar land as everyone wishes. But I've been screwed to much to hold on.
I can't wait to increase my buying power. I can't trade again until next Wednesday. I know some people do and risk a "wash sale"... but I think I'll pass. Have a good weekend!
Below is just a screenshot of my trade today. 76.79% profit!! And yes I took into account my purchase and selling fees.
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